Character Bios

McGinnis To Morin

Name: Beauregard Mathis Morin
DOB: 6/30/2732
Parents: Roxie and Rous Morin
Sisters: Adie, Cecilia
Occupation: Student/Singer
Likes: Dancing, musicals, Frank Sinatra
Dislikes: Open water, Sitting still

Name: Adie “Di” Nicole Morin
DOB: 7/1/2733
Parents: Rousseau and Roxanne
Siblings: Beauregard, Cecilia
Occupation: Student
Likes: Arguing, video games, and training
Dislikes: Being told “no”, machismo, and getting her picture taken

Name: Fiona Margaret McGinnis
DOB: 11/15/2733
Parents: Sera and Connor McGinnis
Siblings: Ro Devon
Occupation: Student
Likes: Football, bodhran, stepdancing
Dislikes: Chauvinistic boys, Illunian football team

Name: Romulus Petronius Devon
DOB: 7/3/2731
Mother: Sera McGinnis. Father: Jared Devon.
Siblings: Fiona McGinnis, Will and Nora Devon
Occupation: Student
Likes: Football, violin
Dislikes: Close-minded people, Clowns

Name: Nora Fae Devon
DOB: 11/4/2734
Parents: Jared and Lucille
Siblings: Ro and Will
Occupation: Student
Likes: Singing, painting, anything fluffy
Dislikes: Sharp objects, fighting, and seeing people cry

Name: William “Will” Jared Devon
DOB: 8/2/2733
Parents: Jared and Lucille
Siblings: Ro and Nora
Occupation: Student
Likes: Playing football, jamming with friends, and being perfect
Dislikes: Disappointing people, being helpless, and losing

Name: Nami Giada Bassanio
DOB: 8/12/2733
Parents: Marius and Rei
Siblings: Yasuo and Charlotte
Occupation: Student, dancer
Likes: Dancing, driving awesome cars, and new clothing
Dislikes: Dishonesty, not being the center of attention

Name: Stella Denton
DOB: 2/14/2732
Family: Mother (estranged), Aunt, 3 cousins
Occupation: Student
Likes: Shoes, bright colors, and attention
Dislikes: Prejudice, reading, and condescending people

The Parents

Name: Roxanne “Roxie” LaRoche Morin
DOB: 9/7/2710
Husband: Rousseau Morin
Kids: Beauregard, Adie, Cecilia
Occupation: Singer/Actress/Model/Mom
Likes: Football, classic movies, musicals
Dislikes: Bad boob jobs, Asshole directors, sleeping alone.

Name: Rousseau “Rous” Gerard Morin
DOB: 9/24/2708
Wife: Roxanne
Kids: Beau, Adie, and Cecilia
Occupation: Member of Adenian Security in Mao
Likes: Training, drinking, and teasing his wife and kids
Dislikes: Musical theatre, lying, and whining

Name: Serafina Augosta Petronious McGinnis
DOB: 8/19/2702
Husband: Connor McGinnis
Kids: Romulus Devon, Fiona McGinnis
Occupation: Senator/Emissary
Likes: Football, music, baking
Dislikes: Sore losers, watery beer, snobs

Name: Connor McGinnis
DOB: 3/21/2704
Wife: Sera
Kids: Fiona
Occupation: Member of Maoan Security
Likes: Shooting things, football, and drinking
Dislikes: Laziness, being out of control

Name: Lucille Violet Fitzroy Devon
DOB: 5/23/2709
Husband: Jared Devon.
Kids: Will, Nora
Occupation: Mom/Painter
Likes: Boats, Gardening, People watching.
Dislikes: Planes, small dark places, and yelling

Name: Jared Matthew Devon
DOB: 1/12/2703
Wife: Lucille
Kids: Ro, Will and Nora
Occupation: Maoan Ambassador
Likes: Historical fiction, football, and solid plans
Dislikes: Insincerity, sudden changes, and yelling

Name: Reiko Kaneshiro Bassanio
DOB: 12/30/2701
Husband: Marius
Kids: Nami, Yasuo, and Charlotte
Occupation: Head of South Hirluinese Security in Mao
Likes: Quiet, order
Dislikes: Surprises, obnoxious behavior

Name: Marius Gian Bassanio
DOB: 10/6/2701
Wife: Rei Kaneshiro Bassanio
Kids: Nami, Yasuo, Charlotte
Occupation: Prime Minister
Likes: Cooking, Wine, Ballroom dancing
Dislikes: Bodyguards and bossy women

The World of Hetra

Mao is home to Midway, the capital of Hetra, where all of the other countries’ leaders work and meet. On the whole, Mao is heavily agricultural, but it has larger cities that are more cosmopolitan. Midway, especially, is a fairly even mix of all the cultures of Hetra. Native Maoans tend to be perceived as an open culture, but some consider Maoans to be less cultured and a little more “redneck”. The leader of Mao has the title of “Ambassador” which is traditionally handed down from father to son. The current Ambassador is Jared Devon.

North Hirluin
split from its counterpart, South Hirluin, at the beginning of Prime Minister Bassanio’s term, choosing to become a principality of Cruos. North Hirluin is rural with a lot of cattle farming. North Hirluinese people, like their southern counterparts, have extended life spans, in general living 150 years. The North Hirluinese culture is known for being extremely intelligent and for their technological developments in areas such as surveillance and protection. They’re often thought of as humorless and somewhat stuffy.

South Hirluin
is famous for its food and the arts. There are quite a few vineyards as well. Like their northern counterparts, they have extended life spans, generally living 150 years. While the South Hirluinese people are generally considered a fun-loving culture, they also have the reputation of being melodramatic. The leader of South Hirluin is known as the Prime Minister and he’s elected to a term of 30 years. The current Prime Minister is Marius Bassanio.

is a grouping of islands south of basically everything. They are a very superstitious culture that, for the most part, live or die by the ocean. Descended from pirates, most of the people are fishermen of some sort, although they do also grow many exotic fruits and vegetables. This culture has a tradition of spells handed down from generation to generation that helps protect them from the dangers of the sea, which is a skill that the more talented islanders use to help neighboring countries for the right price. The country is also extremely poor and strongly relies on their tourism fueled by the beauty of the islands and the popularity of their surfing season. Governors from all four islands answer to the Commander, who represents Fijual-Sanqui in Midway.

is the second smallest country in Mao, and is almost completely surrounded by Mao, Aden, and Buruta. Illunians are a race of blonde-haired, blue-eyed, winged people. They also have extremely strong immune system and accelerated recovery time from injuries. They are world famous for their universities and for their intense sense of justice. Unfortunately, they also tend to come across as judgmental, controlling and self-righteous. Elected senators rule Illuna, while the people of Illuna vote a member of the Senate to be the emissary for the country. The current Emissary is Senator Serafina Petronius McGinnis.

is a country bordered by Cruos to the north and Aden to the south. It is a principality under the rule of Cruos. The burutian people are a race of berserkers, who, when triggered, become super strong killers. This trait has given them the reputation as being stupid and violent. But the burutian culture is also famous for its metalworking skills and its weapons production. By law, all Burutians outside of Buruta are required to wear a charm with the burutian symbol to warn others to tread lightly. Chancellor Gustav Lang, though under the rule of Cruos, governs Buruta.

Cruos is the largest country on Hetra, though a decent portion of the country is considered uninhabitable. The southern region of Cruos is largely agricultural while the north is home to its many factories. Cruos is famous for it’s industrial empire as well as its political exploits. It has only been in relatively recent history that countries have seceded from the Cruosian Empire, those countries being Aden and South Hirluin. As of the present day, Cruos still rules over Buruta and North Hirluin. They’re also famous for their Secret Service and many mob families. The current ruler of the Cruosian Empire is Empress Aksana IV.

Aden is the second largest country on Hetra since North Hirluin’s secession from South Hirluin. It is also one of the more geographically diverse countries on Hetra, with vast mountain ranges to the north into Buruta and tropical climates in the middle of the country. Depending on what year an Adenian is born in; they are gifted with an elemental power. These powers are based on a seven-year cycle that is very similar to Earth’s Chinese zodiac. The cycle is Fire, Earth, Wind, Electricity, Metal, Light and Water, with the year an Adenian citizen is born in having little to great influence on the person’s personality. Adenians are also famous for their military forces, especially the Air Force and the Navy. Aden is where high fashion lives, so it’s built a reputation for being pretentious and prissy at times. The current ruler is Queen Dominique, having seceded from Cruos and gaining Aden’s independence for the first time in a century.

Metaima is a very small island whose inhabitants are a tribal race of shape-shifters. These people are extremely reclusive and aren’t known to leave their country, so little to nothing is known about them.

Naida is a series of islands off of the western coast of Hirluin. It is also the poorest country on Hetra, their chief exports being fish and fruits. They rely strongly on tourism to the islands, where there are hundreds of clubs and casinos, making Naida the “Las Vegas of Hetra”. The people native to Naida are known for their gifts of divination and foresight, which many use for their own commercial gain. While most people enjoy a trip to the white beaches of the Naidan Islands, most feel that it’s inhabitants are unscrupulous and would do anything for money.